Training Methods

LearningMetrics make use of a number of learning methods. These are generally tailored to the specific courses we deliver for our clients. Often we include a number of methods in each course in order to stimulate the participants to learn more and retain knowledge for longer.

Instructor-led Training (ILT)

Instructor-led training usually involves a single trainer, although it is sometimes desirable to use two or more trainers for specific courses. When more than one trainer is involved, there is always one who acts as course director, to ensure that the course curriculum is consolidated.

Interactive Coaching

The most used training method, and best loved by participants, interactive coaching is the preferred trainer tool for efficient knowledge transfer.

Question and Answer

Leaving time aside in the training day purely to answer questions, with no new input from the trainer, is a useful means of bringing participants up to date in the course curriculum.

Case Studies

Participants are regularly required to work on case studies, or exercises, in order to internalise the learning material just acquired. This can be done individually or in work groups. Case studies are often technical in nature, guided by the requirements of the curriculum. There are usually up to four case studies per full training day for most normal training courses. When required for a specific course, case studies can form the bulk of the learning experience. In such cases, the number of case studies per full training day will usually be in excess of six.


Simulating real life is a very powerful and stimulating way to learn. Traditional simulation in the training environment is paper-based, where individual participants or work groups are given topical information to work on. This information is then updated in a series where the participant (-s) is expected to make specific decisions. Modern simulation makes use of computer programs to provide the time series of information updates on which the participant (-s) is expected to make decisions.

Group Work

When the number of participants in a course do not exceed 20-25 it is possible to assign work to small groups of participants. The personal interaction between the participants stimulates the learning experience and gives the individual more opportunity to interact and participate. In some environments, there is added learning stimulation from competition between work groups.

Computer-based Work

Many types of learning are enhanced through the use of computers for calculation intensive work. When the curriculum is highly technical, it is often necessary to provide repetitive numerical illustrations of a particular problem. This can be performed in a spreadsheet by the instructor, the individual participant or by work groups, as the curriculum requires.


Though lecturing, without participant interaction, has a very 'old world' ring to it, it nevertheless remains a useful trainer tool for short bursts (up to half an hour) of concentrated information transfer. This is on occasion useful when a part of the curriculum is very technical.

Self Study

There are times when un-aided learning is preferable to an instructor. There may not be enough time available in the participants' work-schedules. Perhaps there are not enough participants to make instructor-led training financially viable. In cases similar to these, LearningMetrics support the use of self-study in a number of ways.

Computer-based Training

CBT has the power to make self-paced learning interesting and motivating. LearningMetrics can advise on the right CD-ROM based product to use, selecting from publicly available titles. When required LearningMetrics can also be contracted to produce bespoke computer-based learning material.

Self-study Workbooks

When the use of computers is not an option, LearningMetrics can advise on the use of publicly available workbooks. Like with CBT, we can also be contracted to produce workbooks to standards set by our clients.

Self-study Training Videos

Using video as a training medium enjoys a lasting popularity with clients and participants alike, in spite of the lack of interactive possibilities. We can advise on the use of public material, and also be contracted to produce tailor-made titles.

Internet-based Training

Although still in its infancy, training delivery over the Internet promises to revolutionise self-paced learning. A few sites carry training material on specific topics, and we can advise on the best to use. We are also in position to develop bespoke material for delivery over the public Internet, or over a client's private Intranet.


Distance-learning using popular conferencing applications, such as WebEx and DimDim, is making real-time delivery of short training interventions possible over great distances and at very competitive rates. We can setup a full programme suite in as little as seven days.
Paper-based distance learning, where a number of participants communicate by mail with a trainer, has been in use for a long time, although somewhat superseded by the use of the Internet. If the use of computers is an issue, we can develop distance-learning material and package it appropriately to the needs of participants.


Sometimes reading professional literature is a last option for learning; sometimes it is the first choice. Some participants find it easier to understand technical and difficult topics if left alone for a while to figure it out.
We would be happy to recommend a library tailored to your requirements.